Created 3,252 Days Ago
Purchases from the general store do not stack in your inventory with items that you already have. For example, if I have 5 runestone in my inventory and I buy more runestone from the general store. There will be two stacks of runestone in my inventory, not one.
Posted 3,248 Days Ago
I just had this happen as well. I sold 150 Shrimp, and rebought 81. Even though I have 81 in my inventory, I can't cook them or do anything with them.
Posted 3,248 Days Ago
I do see that it is creating 2 versions of items, will look into that. As for not being able to use the items, are you sure? I see the 2 piles of Raw Shrimp that were in your inventory, but they're both empty (sold / used).
Posted 3,247 Days Ago
Yes I am sure. I have one stack of 2 copper ore, another stack of 1, another of 1, and another of 1 (for a total of 5). I am unable to make a bronze bar even though I have 200+ tin ore in my inventory.
Posted 3,247 Days Ago
Its working now. The copper that I had in my inventory much just be bugged from when the general store was still bugged.
Posted 3,247 Days Ago
I ended up re-selling them because I wasn't able to use them at the time, haha. I'll test it again a little later buy selling and re-buying.
Posted 3,247 Days Ago
It's fixed now. I'll lock this thread.
Posted 3,246 Days Ago
If you have multiple stacks, put the items into your bank and withdraw them. It'll fix it. As Legend said, I've fixed this. Locked.