New Domain: By:
{420} Ryan Created: September 9th, 2018
Global Announcement
ManaPot's domain has changed to a new one so I can reclaim it for a new project of mine. You will now be automatically redirected to MANAPOT.IO in the future. Make sure to update your bookmark(s)!
2017 Christmas Event By:
{420} Ryan Created: December 18th, 2017
Global Announcement 
Happy Holidays everyone! The Christmas event has returned and brought along some new rewards for you to collect.
[Snowball] - Obtained as a random drop while training non-combat skills. The drop rate of snowballs start off low and increase as the event continues each day.
[Red Santa Costume] - Just like previous years, you'll be able to collect snowballs which you can use to purchase pieces of the Red Santa Costume.
[Christmas Background] - Collect 100 snowballs during the event to unlock this unique background image. Only available this year!
[Snowman] - The Snowman has returned again this year! This is the perfect companion for those of you wanting a nice balance of cooldown, energy and luck. You can purchase one of your own from the ManaShop.
[Green Reindeer Hat] - This unique hat will grant the wearer the ability to find [Snow Covered Bag] while training non-combat skills. Also available from the ManaShop, limited time item (will only be available during this year's event, never to return).
[Christmas Cloak] - A new cloak has arrived as well. This year's Christmas Cloak will randomly increase the experience you gain while training non-combat skills! This item is a rare drop obtained from training non-combat skills.
[Christmas Stocking] - Get yourself some tasty treats along with rare rewards! Stockings can now contain: Snowman, Green Reindeer Hat, Green Santa Costume pieces & Blue Santa Costume pieces. Obtained from training non-combat skills as a rare drop, or purchasable with snowballs.
[Blue Santa Costume] - Obtained rarely from the stockings, this new costume will have you standing out from all those other fake Santas.

The Christmas event is only active from December 18th through January 1st.
2017 Halloween Event By:
{420} Ryan Created: October 23rd, 2017
Global Announcement 
Welcome back adventurers! The Halloween event has returned and brought along some new rewards for you to collect.
[Skeleton Bone] - Obtained as a random drop while training non-combat skills. The drop rate of bones start off low and increase as the event continues each day.
[Skeleton Costume] - Just like previous years, you'll be able to collect Skeleton Bones which you can use to purchase pieces of the Skeleton Costume.
[Halloween Background] - Collect 100 Bones during the event to unlock this unique background image. Only available this year!
[Jack-o'-lantern] - The Jack-o'-lantern has returned again this year! You can purchase one of your own from the ManaShop.
[Blue Halloween Mask] - This scary mask provides it's wearer with a very special bonus, werewolf hunter! "Gives the wearer a 1% chance to obtain a [Werewolf Bone] while training non-combat skills." These unique bones are the first and only kind that allow you to bury multiple at the same time, allowing even faster XP! Also available from the ManaShop, limited time item (will only be available during this year's event, never to return).
[Halloween Cloak] - A new cloak has arrived as well. This year's Halloween Cloak will increase the experience you gain while fighting Ghouls by 10%. This item is a rare drop obtained from training non-combat skills.
[Bag of Candy] - Get yourself some tasty candy along with rare rewards! Bags can contain: Jack-o'-lantern, Blue Halloween Mask, Zombie Costume pieces & Pig Costume pieces. Obtained from training non-combat skills as a rare drop, or purchasable with Skeleton Bones.
[Pig Costume] - Obtained rarely from the Bags of Candy, this new costume will have you oinking at all the fellow adventurers! This is the most "common" rare item from the bag. Collect all 3 pieces to combine them into a single costume.
[Zombie Costume] - Obtained very rarely from the Bags of Candy, this costume will have you scaring all the fellow adventurers! Collect all 3 pieces to combine them into a single costume.
The Halloween event is only active from Oct 24th through Nov 6th.
Magic and Ranged By:
{420} Ryan Created: January 7th, 2017
Global Announcement The update you've all be waiting [too long] for is finally here, Magic and Ranged! Both of these combat related skills can now be trained via the Combat Grounds by having the respective type of weapon equipped.
In order to train Magic, a player will need to have some kind of a Staff equipped, along with plenty of spells to cast (crafted via RuneCrafting).
In order to train Ranged, a player will need to have some kind of a Bow equipped, along with plenty of arrows to shoot (crafted via Fletching).
2016 Christmas Event By:
{420} Ryan Created: December 11th, 2016
Global Announcement 
Happy Holidays everyone! The Christmas event has returned and brought along some new rewards for you to collect.
[Snowball] - Obtained as a random drop while training non-combat skills. The drop rate of snowballs start off low and increase as the event continues each day.
[Red Santa Costume] - Just like last year, you'll be able to collect snowballs which you can use to purchase pieces of the Red Santa Costume.
[Christmas Background] - Collect 100 snowballs during the event to unlock this unique background image. Only available this year!
[Snowman] - The Snowman has returned again this year, and is showing off it's new stats. This is the perfect companion for those of you wanting a nice balance of cooldown, energy and luck. You can purchase one of your own from the ManaShop.
[Red Reindeer Hat] - This unique hat will grant the wearer the ability to find [Snow Covered Cache] while training non-combat skills. Also available from the ManaShop, limited time item (will only be available during this year's event, never to return).
[Christmas Cloak] - A new cloak has arrived as well. This year's Christmas Cloak will give the wearer the ability to find [Candy Cane] while training non-combat skills. Don't worry, the Candy Canes are able to be found and consumed even when the Christmas Event isn't live! This item is a rare drop obtained from training non-combat skills.
[Christmas Stocking] - Stockings have been updated greatly, providing you with a rare chance to obtain some loot other than candy. The additional items are very rare (some more than others), so open as many as you can to increase your odds! Stockings can now also contain: Snowman, Red Reindeer Hat & Green Santa Costume pieces. Obtained from training non-combat skills as a rare drop, or purchasable with snowballs.
[Green Santa Costume] - Obtained rarely from the stockings, this new costume will have you standing out from all those other fake Santas.

We have lots of new updates coming around the beginning of the near year such as: Magic, Ranged, guild updates and much much more. Make sure to check your email address for a special Christmas promotional code we sent to you as our gift!

The Christmas event is only active from December 11th through December 25th.